Makoknight's M3 Logs
Camelot Neo - The start of the Overlord TP. First time I used the combat system. Almost stopped Dynamo stealing Excalibur. And got taken down in one hit by Metal Man. The pain still hurts. Status: Edited
Cairo - During the Overlords TP. This phrase defines the log entirely. "GET OFF MY TURTLE!" Status: Edited
The Lynch Mop - During the Overlords TP. First RP thing I organized. Bizarre. Truly Bizarre. Status: Unedited
Aleph - Just some random RP. Elias goes for coffee with one of the Shadow Hutner femmes. Status: Edited
Snake Man, Part Deux - Another bit of Random RP, Elias and Snake Man have a bit of a discussion. Status: Edited
Snake Man, Part Drei - Yet another scene with Snake. Forgotten what it was about, to be honest, but it happened. Status: Unedited.
Resident Evil - The Resident Evil TP. Elias got somewhat famous from this one. Beware, it's LONG. Status: Unedited
Preparing for the Kidnapping - During one episode of the Crash Man hour, I bought Quint. Unfortuanately, the package was intercepted by Dynamo. This was a scene preparing for a kidnapping that never happened. Status: Unedited
The Reploid Room - Just a random scene at the Reploid Room. VERY random. Status: Unedited
Fear the Kawaii - Another scene in the Reploid Room. Elias and Shin have a little catching up, and both meet Zestien. Fear. Status: Unedited
COFFEE!(TM) - Elias goes for Coffee. Runs into Zestien, and turns Quick Man into Over Caffienated Man. The world is doomed. Staus: Unedited
The Search For Saturns Pendant - Well, It turned out to be a red herring, but it was fun. One word: PREN! Status: Unedited
Mercenary Work - Landon needs some hired hands. Elias hears about it, and decides to go in under cover. First part of our Side-TP, Seeking Zestien. (Working Title)
Woodsy - Hailstorm's first completed scene, was talking with Woodsy. Angst Warning. Status: Unedited
Woodsy II - Another Scene with Woodsy, Hailstorm interrogates Wood Man. Status: Unedited
Hailstorm the Spy - An odd scene, Hailstorm, Spiral Pegasus and Messenger Marou are called by Iris, but this devolves into a mission to spy on Iris. Status: Unedited
The Mission to Save Colonel - Alas, a Mission I didn't get to carry out (Curse you, Bastion!), but here's the logsd of the preceding events. Enjoy. Status: Unedited